Camper Information

We've compiled a list of all of the basic must haves for your time with us here at camp. Please be sure to read through the applicable information as things may have changed from years prior.
Illness or Accident
Our highest priority is always our campers' health and safety. We follow the best practices set out by CDC guidelines as well as all health laws and codes of Wisconsin. All of our staff are trained in CPR and First Aid. We have a camp medic on duty 24 hours a day, a Nurse Practitioner on staff, and follow our standing Physician’s orders. If there is an illness or emergency we will always contact the camper’s parents or guardians. In the case medical care needs to be sought we bring campers to Burnett Medical Center in Grantsburg.

Getting Ready for Campers/Homesickness
Getting ready for camp is much more than checking off the packing list. It is creating a conversation with your camper about what to expect at Luther Point when they arrive. Let your camper know you are excited for them (and maybe even a little jealous) that they get to spend a week at summer camp!
Even with preparing campers for the excitement of camp, sometimes homesickness hits. Our staff are well trained in many ways to help a camper through their homesickness. We use a multitude of tools and staff to treat homesick campers. We often find it is the worst in the evenings and before bed.
We always acknowledge and validate the camper’s feelings while at the same time working with them to focus on the positives of camp. If it is a lingering homesickness we consult with parents to keep you in the loop and see if there are any suggestions you might have (after all you know your camper way better than we do!). We do try to avoid having homesick campers talk with parents on the phone as we have found that usually makes the emotions stronger for the camper, but we do always defer to the parents’ decision on if they wish to talk with their campers.
Our priority is always to ensure each and every camper has the most fun, faithful, and safe experience at Luther Point while they are here.

Staff Hiring and Training
The staff at Luther Point Bible Camp go through a rigorous hiring and training process. All staff must annually complete an application for employment; conduct an interview; have references checked; and pass a local, state, and federal background check before being hired. Summer staff are required to attend two weeks of staff training before interacting with campers. We take the safety of all our guests very seriously and ensure all staff are prepared to work with campers.
Severe Weather
Our staff go through intensive training on how to react to and manage all forms of emergencies. We also receive emergency alerts from Burnett County and many other sources. One of the most likely emergencies in our area is the chance of severe weather. As a camp, we are blessed to have one of the safest buildings in the area for severe weather, Shalom where our office is located, along with many other safe and secure locations around the camp. In the case of severe weather we always err on the side of caution and bring our campers into the storm shelter and communicate via our Facebook page on our plans and status. If you are ever wary of weather systems in our area please call the office

Registration Day
Registration begins on Sundays at 3:00 p.m. and Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m. Registration will take approximately an hour to complete.
We strive to make registration day an easy and straightforward process as well as a time for you to connect with your camper, see what they will be experiencing throughout their stay here and when you leave both you and your camper will have peace of mind that great things will happen at camp.​​
​When you arrive you will be directed to a parking spot by one of our staff members and the “business” will be taken care of right away. You will be informed of any unpaid balances, if the camper medical form is complete, what cabin your camper will be staying in, who their counselors will be, and what the next steps are.

Registration Balance
To help us expedite the camper registration process on the first day of camp it is easiest if your registration balance is paid one week prior to arrival and money is already deposited in the canteen account. If you are unable to do this that is ok. At registration, we accept cash, checks and credit cards to pay off any remaining balance.
Luther Point believes that summer camp is for everyone regardless of ability to pay. If you need assistance with a campership please email the camp office: These requests are confidential and handled on a case-by-case basis.
The Canteen is well stocked with souvenirs, apparel, and snacks for our campers all summer long! We use a pre-pay system where money is collected into the camper’s canteen account at the start of camp and purchases are deducted from there. Parents can log in to their camper’s registration accounts to keep an eye on what is being spent and add money to the account throughout the week. Any unused funds can be picked up at the end of camp. Any funds left unclaimed will be donated to the campership fund.

The state of Wisconsin requires that we collect and manage all medications while campers are at Luther Point. Medications can only be distributed by certified staff members. A completed health form must be submitted along with all medications listed on the form.
If sending medications with campers they must meet these requirements:
Provide only enough medication to last the entire time the camper is at camp.
All medications must be turned in to the camp nurse
Prescription medications must be in the original pharmacy-labeled container
Prescription medications must have the camper’s name on the package.
If your camper takes a daily over-the-counter medication (allergy meds, melatonin, etc.) they must be in original packaging with dosing instructions.
Our health center is stocked with most basic over-the-counter medications. Please do not send them with your campers.
We begin placing campers in their cabins about a week before their arrival. During registration, you have the option to pick up to two people your camper wants to room with in the same cabin. We do our very best to accommodate all cabinmate requests. If you arrive at registration and discover that your camper is not with their friend please just ask one of the registration staff and we will do our very best to accommodate.

Typical Camp Schedule
Schedule may differ at times
8:00am - Breakfast
9:00am - Bible study
10:45am - Morning Worship
11:30am - Cabin cleaning
12:00pm - Lunch
1:30pm - Free time (swimming, boating, crafts, rec room, canteen, etc.)
5:00pm - Cabin time
5:30pm - Supper
6:30pm - All camp game
7:30pm - Evening canteen
8:15pm - Evening Worship
9:30pm - Bedtime or teen time (additional game time for junior/senior high)
Camp Traditions
We have a couple of traditions we like to keep at Luther Point from year to year.
As cabin groups, campers and their counselors can challenge other cabins to friendly competitions including bed head challenges etc.
Tuesday afternoons and evenings are spent at our outpost area where campers engage in community building activities, cook their meals over the fire, play games, and have worship and s’mores.
On Thursday nights at supper, we have a banquet night. We encourage campers to dress nicely for cabin pictures and a little more of a fancy meal for our last supper together. Also on Thursdays is our variety show. Campers are encouraged to sign up for either a solo or group act/performance.
Mailing & Emailing Your Camper
Campers love to receive mail from their loved ones while at camp. Mail can be sent to:
Name of Camper
Luther Point Bible Camp
11525 Luther Point Rd.
Grantsburg, WI 54840
Please send mail to your camper at least 1 week before they arrive at camp to ensure it arrives on time. If we get multiple pieces of mail from the same sender before the camper arrives we will give them one a day unless instructed otherwise. All mail that is delivered to Luther Point after a camper’s last session will be sent back with a “Return to Sender” written on the envelope.
If you wish to email your camper you can send a message to: Please note the email address is not your camper’s name, just the word “mycamper”. Please put your camper’s name in the subject line of the email. We print off emails every morning and deliver them at lunchtime. We are unable to print pictures. If your camper wishes to respond they can write a letter and we will scan it and send it back to you as an attachment.
Lost and Found
Please send all items with your campers well marked with their names. All lost and found items are collected in the dining hall and we do our very best to reunite the item with the owner. At the conclusion of camp, all remaining unclaimed items will be donated.