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About Luther Point Bible Camp

The camp is surrounded by the waters of Big Wood Lake near Grantsburg, Wisconsin, located just an hour and a half from the twin cities.


Our Mission

In all things we are:

Forming Faith, Pointing to Christ

Our Vision

We envision Luther Point Bible Camp as a leader and partner in forming faith for people of all ages, facilitating unique and memorable encounters with the Living God, developing committed Christian leaders and creating better stewardship of God’s creation.


Our Identity

Luther Point Bible Camp is an association of member congregations from Northwest Wisconsin and Northeast Minnesota offering year-round outdoor ministries and retreats.  We provide safe, fun, Christ-centered experiences that lead to transformed and strengthened relationships with God, one another and with creation which continue with guests long after they leave.


MONDAY - FRIDAY 9:00 - 4:00

Copyright © 2017 Luther Point Bible Camp; All Rights Reserved

11525 Luther Point Rd

Grantsburg WI | 715-689-2347

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