Summer 2025 Discounts
Early Bird
Register before March 1, 2025
Full Week Camps: $40 off
Half Week Camps: $20 off
Overnight Camps: $10 off
Member Church Discounts
This discount applies if you are a member of one of Luther Point’s 75 member congregations and your congregation contributed their full per-baptized member assessment in 2024.
Full Week Camps: $40 off
Half Week Camps: $20 off
Overnight Camps: $10 off
Sibling and Invite-a-Friend
Only one discount allowed per camper. Oldest sibling pays full price.
Full Week Camps: $20 off
Half Week Camps: $10 off
Overnight Camps: $5 off
We offer Camperships for all programs. It is the goal of Luther Point that no one is turned away regardless of their ability to pay. In this day and age, Bible camp is an especially wonderful place for people to come and experience growth in their Christian faith.
You can request a campership by visiting the following link: