Where do I check in?
Check in is now done as a drive through. Follow the signs on Luther Point Road to the front and a Staff Member will be there to meet you and quickly check you in from your own car!
What will happen when I get there?
After you check in, you will be guided to where your/your campers will be lodging and introduced to your counselor for the week.
Do I need to check in at registration even if I have already paid?
Yes, that is how we know who is and is not in attendance.
What time do we leave?
That will depend on the camp that is being attended, please check the Registration/Pick Up form emailed to you with your confirmation.
What if I leave something at Luther Point?
Please check the Lost and Found in the Dining Hall before departing. We only keep items for two weeks and then they are given to a local charity.
Health and Safety Answers:
Does the child need a physical by a physician?
We recommend one every two years but one is not required.
What do I do with the health form?
Have the legal guardian of the child fill it out ONLINE (if possible) before arriving at camp. If the online form is not available to you, a paper copy will be provided to fill out upon arrival at Luther Point. Luther Point cannot allow any child to stay at camp without a health form on file.
Will we be safe?
The staff are highly trained. There are Emergency Responders available 24 hours a day. We have two AED’s onsite. There are trained lifeguards at the waterfront and trained staff at the recreation areas.
What about insurance?
Each camper is covered primarily by their own insurance and secondarily by Luther Point’s Accident Insurance Policy.
What if I have medications?
We have trained medics who will collect all medications when you check in. Each camper is given their medications according to the directions given to us by the physician. Medications must be in original labeled container.
Can I send over-the-counter meds?
Luther Point has a supply of all over-the-counter meds that will be needed for the summer. Please only bring them if your camper needs them more than ‘as necessary.’
Money/Canteen Answers
Can I get my deposit refunded?
The required deposit is non-refundable and non-transferable.
When is the rest of my payment due?
Make the final payment online or mail in a check at least two weeks in advance of your camp’s start date. If you miss the two-week deadline to mail a check in you can still pay online or bring the balance with at registration.
When is Canteen open?
At registration and departure times for guardians and families, and once in the afternoon and once in the evenings for those staying with us.
How do I pay for the Canteen?
We use a pre-pay system where money is deposited into your account and at canteen time purchases are charged against your account. Money can be added mid-week online using the same website you used to register your camper. All unused money will be returned at the end of the week.
What is Tie-Dye Tuesday?
The craft of the day on Tuesdays is tie-dye. This is the only craft that costs extra during the week. You can purchase t-shirts to tie-dye ranging for $15, charged to your canteen account. If you bring your own item to tie-dye, it is free to do.
More FAQs
What kind of food is served?
There are hot breakfasts, a salad bar available at lunch and supper as well as the main course. We have amazing food with lots of different options to fill you up and give you energy for the week!
How can I communicate with my camper?
You can email your camper at mycamper@lutherpoint.org at anytime and it will be given to your camper at lunch time (12pm) every day. Campers will reply as they desire and any communication will be sent by Luther Point staff between 2-4pm everyday. Another option is USPS, as campers love getting real mail! (campers name, Luther Point Bible Camp, 11525 Luther Point Rd., Grantsburg, WI 54840)
What if my camper is homesick?
Homesickness happens at camp from time to time. All of our staff are trained in helping campers through their homesickness by distracting them with fun activities, making new friends and having a good time. The vast majority of campers feel better after a day and forget all about their homesickness.